Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 75

     Thank you everyone for helping with our book drive. I know it has been awhile since I posted but this project called Charity Days has been doing wonderful. The book drive ended on November 29 (right on schedule). It was far more successful than I prayed for. As for right now my group will be planning and organizing our next aspiration.
   The book drive started off slowly but it ended with a wonderful bang. People were not bringing many books when the drive started but as soon as it was coming to a close the books started to pour in. I can not be more thankful for how well the drive went.We were aiming to raise at most 76 books but we ended up with over 100. I could not believe that we were able to raise that many on our first try. The exact number of children's books raised was either 117 or 120. All books were donated to the Salvation Army. Hopefully those books will reach kids in need in the Dallas area. The whole point of the drive was to advocate children's literacy and I hope that the children who receive those books will be able to read better with everyday. It is a known fact that thorough literacy has become a problem even in U.S. Children and even some adolescents have trouble everyday with reading and pronunciation of words. I know that raising a few books to give to worthy children won't make a strong substantial difference but at least it is a start. We started this special project not only to say that our generation can make a difference but also to instill a sparks in others to help their local and global communities. Surely as we go forward we will be able to generate greater effects in the Dallas area.  
   It's Christmas time, the time of giving, and also a time away from school and daily environments. My group and I are currently separated due to the Christmas season but will be reunited soon enough. Our next idea is to create either a food or clothes drive. Food is very important but people usually go out and buy food for a food drive. Clothes are almost as important as food but they can be given at no cost to the donor. We are leaning more to the idea of hosting a clothes drive because of its convenience. People can bring their used clothes for donation instead of buying canned goods to give away. I want the next drive to be even more successful. Thank you for everyones help, soon we will host our major charity function. This function is still nothing but an outline of ideas but as soon as January starts I am hoping to host meetings to begin the process.
   Charity Days has been going better than I had hoped for. People of different ages (particularly teenagers) have been coming up to me and my co-creators asking if there are any position which they can hold. Right now we have three established PR representatives. Hopefully they can get the word out about this project and recruit others who wish to help. Other have asked for different positions, but since I have little experience in running a non-profit project finding and managing positions has become a bit of a hassle. But as the days pass my co-creators and I will be able to manage this project more efficiently and throughly.
    Instead of posting everyday as I used to do, my group has decided to post an update every week. But this decision is not set in stone I may post more than once a week if something of importance comes up.