Monday, September 27, 2010

And so it begins...

Here we go guys! This is officially the first, of many, posts that will be created on this blog. Basically, we will be treating this blog as a personal journal, chronicling our journey towards creating our first ever charity function. We will take you inside, the sweat, tears, and many hours of hard work, that will go into the making of this event. As we have stated before, our goal is to give back to our community, by raising money for kids who need it most. We feel that it is our responsibility to show the world what our generation is capable of. By raising money to benefit younger patients in hospitals, we hope to generate a global awareness towards victims of serious illnesses. We feel that the only way to improve the world, is by starting right here in our own community. Although we plan to begin small, we hope that this project will set off a movement that will ultimately change the world for the better. And so it begins....our journey for the greater good.

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