Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 24

      Today was a pretty good day. It was Halloween and Sunday. With it being Sunday and Halloween I had barely any real contact with the rest of my group members but let's look at the bright side. Today my church said they would speak with me in a "few." Now we can actually print out flyers officially start this thing. What I've decided (which I will talk with the rest of group tomorrow about) is that Charity Days should just go ahead and start the book drive with the one location we have acquired. Sure it is in a portable on the other side of campus but if people really want to give they surely will walk.
Remember when suggested one of those four organizations to take our books well we've completely scratched that idea. Instead we are going to give the books to a local salvation army office. In Dallas there is one on harry hines which would be very convenient. On top of the convenience books would go to children in the local Dallas area.
    So far so good. We have pretty much everything planned out and I'm sure we're good to start this week. All that's left is expanding our venues. Tomorrow I will also ask Najah and Sundas if they wouldn't mind asking their mosques if they would mind accommodating our book drive.
With this finally coming together I'm more than excited. For all the people who read this blog I'm going to put information up about donating children's books for this cause on Facebook, Twitter and here. It would be really appreciated if you can help especially if your in the Dallas area.
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 9 - 23

      Sorry guys for the absence of blog posts but the rest of the group was quite busy. I decided that we all needed to take about two weeks off to deal with other commitments and school. On day 11 we did try to to start the book drive but an obstacle came in our way. Since our school is on a college campus we can not just set up boxes we have to go through a school related club or organization. When we asked the office of student life we were required to get a high school club to sponsor us even though there were no other book drives present. Monica and I decided that academic and peer mentors club that we are part of would love to help. With this assumption I sent an email to the group but still have not received a response. I did however get a spot with the permission of a particular high school spot on campus. Hopefully we can officially start on the whole college campus to be really successful.
      Tomorrow to spread our cause further I am going to meet with my pastor to see of he will accommodate our book drive. I have a feeling he will say yes. If he does say yes we can then proceed to print flyers and make people officially aware. For the most part we are more than off track. We realized that this effort would be hard but not as hard as it has been.
We are definitely sorry for our absence but now we're back and ready. Senior year is hard on us but we have to make this effort a reality.
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 8

We finally set up the collection boxes for our book drive! We have established specific locations for the collection of our books in various areas at our school. One of those designated areas is in Kiowa right in front of the attendance office. We hope to collect enough books in order to make our first project a success. Since the holidays are quickly arriving we hope to move on to even bigger projects, such as a canned food drive and perhaps even a clothing drive. Although we did have a slow start we are extremely satisfied with the progress of our work so far. Although we are working on miscellaneous projects we feel that it is vital to take small steps towards attempting to achieve our ultimate goal of creating a city-wide Charity Carnival.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 6 - 7

       Our first weekend in this venture has not been as productive as we had planned but its okay. Since all of us had previous  engagements that we committed too, we had no time to discuss and plan out the rest of our book drive. Hopefully tomorrow we will all be able to meet up finishing planning out the last bits of this first project. If we can collectively agree on all the terms of the book drive then surely we will be able to pass out completed flyers by Thursday. With our first project it has seemed impossible to find a set date to start but if anything the book drive should start officially next week.

P.S.    Wish us luck; we have no experience going into this so by your support and our intuition  we pray that this is at least a marginal success.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 5

Okay so Day Five  was a pretty wonderful day, although we changed some of the workings in our book drive we were able to accomplish a lot. We decided that instead of having books donated to a reputable hospital that we would donate the books to an organization that advocates literacy in children. There are many such organizations out there, the only problem is picking the one that is best for us. What our group settled upon is four organizations by the names of Books First, Page Ahead, Book Ends, and Books For America. We swaying towards Page Ahead but we will not have a certain decision until later.

  We want this book drive to be successful so we are going off slow; starting at our high school then expanding to other venues. We understand that although this project is not as large or as tedious as our main charity event will it will still need time to be nurtured. Hopefully when we have different venues for more people to donate this book drive will be a smooth stepping stone.