Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 24

      Today was a pretty good day. It was Halloween and Sunday. With it being Sunday and Halloween I had barely any real contact with the rest of my group members but let's look at the bright side. Today my church said they would speak with me in a "few." Now we can actually print out flyers officially start this thing. What I've decided (which I will talk with the rest of group tomorrow about) is that Charity Days should just go ahead and start the book drive with the one location we have acquired. Sure it is in a portable on the other side of campus but if people really want to give they surely will walk.
Remember when suggested one of those four organizations to take our books well we've completely scratched that idea. Instead we are going to give the books to a local salvation army office. In Dallas there is one on harry hines which would be very convenient. On top of the convenience books would go to children in the local Dallas area.
    So far so good. We have pretty much everything planned out and I'm sure we're good to start this week. All that's left is expanding our venues. Tomorrow I will also ask Najah and Sundas if they wouldn't mind asking their mosques if they would mind accommodating our book drive.
With this finally coming together I'm more than excited. For all the people who read this blog I'm going to put information up about donating children's books for this cause on Facebook, Twitter and here. It would be really appreciated if you can help especially if your in the Dallas area.
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