Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Clothing Drive continues...

Today we decided to kick our clothing drive up a notch, and found an excellent way to get the word across campus. We consulted our RCHS counselor, Mrs. Westmoreland, and she agreed to send out a faculty e-mail containing information about our charity. Due to the campus weather closings, we have decided to extend the deadline for our clothing drive. As of now we have collected over three large bags of clothing from various classmates, and are extremely optimistic about the future. We have also done a photo session, in order to obtain pictures that would be appropriate for our website, which is currently under construction, and should be up and running by mid April. We have also held many group meetings in order to discuss future events, and various ways in which we could obtain more supporters. Our main struggle right now is raising awareness about our charity projects, and getting our classmates motivated and involved. We want to get as many of our peers on board as possible, in order to make our projects an even greater success. Right now we are at the prime stages of developing a community wide Earth Day event, which will enable RCHS students to gain volunteer hours. We realize that by creating an event that promises students service learning hours, we would be able to gather a much larger group of motivated individuals. We have also been tracking our progress, and are extremely proud of where we are right now. Although we do wish to begin working on much larger projects, we know that all good things start small.

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