Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Earth Day Should Be Every Day.

Fingers crossedI’m praying that one day Earth Day will be everyday. I’m praying that one day people will understand that the earth isn't just a house; I hope they will understand that the earth is just as alive as you or me. Maybe one day everything will change, maybe one day people will learn to care. Until that day I must do everything in my power to inspire change. Charity Days will  do everything they can, starting with an Earth Day Clean-Up.
Here in Dallas there are many places that are filled with trash and litter but for this event we will be focusing our efforts towards White Rock Lake. White Rock Lake is a park and as it being a park people tend to litter unconsciously. (I don’t know why but when services or items are offered free to people they are treated worse than services or items that have a price.) On April 16th and 17th ( 8A.M. –1P.M.) we will be coordinating Clean-Ups in collaboration with the White Rock Lake Shoreline Spruce-Up program. Along with these “Earth Day” Clean-Ups we will be hosting seminars at Richland College on April 14th and 18th. These seminars will be an attempt to get students, faculty, and people in general to care more fervently about their environments. Hopefully we will be able to get a video footage of the events to post on our blog and website. I don’t want to give an overview of the whole seminar yet. But I will let you guys know that at the end of each seminar the participants will be asked to part take in an agreement. The agreement will ask the participants to go to and pledge 5 beneficial environmental actions for the year. Along with doing this the participants will be asked to get at least 3 people to do the pledge and to tell as many people as possible about the new found understanding they received from our seminars. We understand that not everybody will be able to participate in our events but that doesn’t mean non-participants should be “non-participants.” Even if you can’t literally join in our effort you can still make a difference. Maybe you could host your own clean-up, recycle for the first time, and etc. There are tons of earth saving acts you can do this month, you just have to put in the effort cause nothing’s easy.

If your looking to volunteer at our Clean-Up or simply want to do your own trash clean-up I put a map of where exactly White Rock Lake is. If you don’t want to help clean up a park maybe think of contacting your city and seeing if they will let you clean-up the sides of highways with a group of volunteers.
White Rock Lake
Ok so I know I haven’t put enough information up about our coming events but give me at least two days to get everything finalized and everything should be posted soon enough. Outside of the EPA pick5 I found another website that I sort of knew about beforehand. If you’ve heard of earth hour you’ll probably remember your third grade teacher telling you to tell your parents to turn of all lights and appliances at 8:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. But if you haven’t heard of it that’s ok too. I put a little widget below that will link you to the website. At website you can also pledge environmental actions but since their self-created you have to put a little thought into them.
I think Earth Day is one of my favorite days of the year and I hope that you find that Earth Day is better being everyday.

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